The Next Generation of Aire is Now!
For nearly two decades ArmorSource has remained dedicated to pushing the boundaries of ballistic protection, and once again we’re raising the bar with unmatched comfort and durability within our offering of head protection systems.
With the introduction of our Next Generation Aire System, we’re proud to deliver a full spectrum of Next Generation Head Protection Solutions that includes six Next Gen Lightweight Shells, a revolutionary Liner System, an ultra-lightweight helmet mount, and multiple helmet accessories designed with sleeker, weight-reducing profiles. Each solution provides a unique matrix that can be customized for a wide range of operators, all utilizing the most advanced ballistic composite materials available.

Aire Collection Overview
Aire II – Designed to meet the most recent U.S. DOD Advanced Combat Helmet GEN II specifications with a significantly lower areal density, better trauma protection, and much higher frag protection.
Aire EX – an Extended Rifle Resistance Helmet that provides protection against M193, M80 ball, 7.62X39 LC, and other rounds to enhance the protection of front line and anti-terror operators.
Aire LE – For the first time there is a shell that is specifically designed to defeat common handgun threats that law enforcement agents frequently face on top of NIJ IIIA.
Crew II – ArmorSource was recently awarded a contract to provide the U.S. Army with 14,000 Next Generation Advanced Combat Vehicle Crewman Helmet units starting in the second quarter 2023.

Beyond The Shell
The ArmorSource Aire System is the complete package, providing three AireSupport suspension systems, as well as three AireLink retention systems that allow users to choose from, and configure in endless combination.
Available accessories include market-leading ultra-lightweight NVG shrouds, side-rails, and an assortment of newly designed accessories.

The Aire System at a Glance